We're coming down to the wire in INTC2610. I must say, Mrs. Ross has done a great job at taking a class that would probably be boring and turning it into one of my most looked forward to classes. Every Wednesday she pushes us harder and harder giving assignment after assignment. I'm grateful for that, because unlike some classes I have had in the past and currently am taking, I'm getting something for my money spent, and not being eluded by lectures and note taking that becomes irrelevant come test time. My only real critique is the Tech Teacher Game. If a student doesn't do but one of the many pieces in the game I don't see it fair to have 1/3 of the points available taken away.
We have learned about all different kinds of technology that can be associated with education. Lately we've been working on the Smart-board, and I can see how this specific technology can greatly help a teacher. The idea of having an interactive piece of equipment that teachers can manipulate and let the students work on is extremely handy. Now the chalk board can come to life.

My most favorite technology learned so far is one that hasn't been fully invented yet, its more a concept. The Internet of Things to me seems like it will integrate everything that is technology, and not only for educational purposes but for every day life. To me, this idea is far greater than the rest for educational purposes because now, students and teachers will be able to interact technologically on so many more levels. It truly will be a great technological advancement when it is complete.